The subheading says it all, I think.
Pindabble: Sticking my superficial interest to a cork board.
Yes, clever person, that's a combination of the words "pin" and "dabble." It is made up, but yet it also makes perfect sense. Don't you agree? Of course you do. So, that's it. Pindabble. It is as if I was writing near-daily nonsenseries on yellow sticky notes and putting them on the fridge. But you'd never see them if I did that. So I put them here.
But not for long, because as I have already said, I am losing interest.
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Ever heard of Dean Karnazes? A crazy running guy who ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days a couple of years ago, and who has run 350 miles without stopping, and runs in all kinds of crazy ways. Well, I ran 5+ miles with him this evening in Palo Alto, CA! The Silicon Valley Marathon became the Dean Karnazes Silicon Valley Marathon last year, and so runners could sign up to run with him. So I did. Didn't really say much, not because he was unwilling to listen, but because I just don't say much! The run went around the Stanford University campus. Very pretty.
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Ever heard of the Amazing Race? It's a TV show where people run around for days and days and circumnavigate the globe and win valuable prizes. A friend (Kurtis) and I did a local version for three hours last Saturday. Ten stops, had to do nine of them, three were mandatory. We got a tad off course after about 80 minutes, but regrouped and ended up visiting all 10 because we didn't know if our first one counted (it wasn't a restaurant, it was a chiropractor!). We did well on the bonus minutes, and ended up in first place. Total shocker. Three hundred bucks and paid entry to the National Championships in New Orleans two weeks later.
We had to decline, though. Such travel would be a big deal to figure out for two family men like Kurtis and me, and I had already signed up for the 2010 Silicon Valley Marathon . . . which was going to be the day after the New Orleans race. Sometimes you just have to choose.
Right now I choose to stop typin
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