Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday Night

Saturday night's all right for fighting. Elton John said it first. W.A.S.P. repeated the edict, and Nickelback added to the refrain.

Saturday night is indeed all right for fighting.

Saturday night is also all right for abandoning a blog. This is the proof.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The subheading says it all, I think.

Pindabble: Sticking my superficial interest to a cork board.

Yes, clever person, that's a combination of the words "pin" and "dabble." It is made up, but yet it also makes perfect sense. Don't you agree? Of course you do. So, that's it. Pindabble. It is as if I was writing near-daily nonsenseries on yellow sticky notes and putting them on the fridge. But you'd never see them if I did that. So I put them here.

But not for long, because as I have already said, I am losing interest.

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Ever heard of Dean Karnazes? A crazy running guy who ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days a couple of years ago, and who has run 350 miles without stopping, and runs in all kinds of crazy ways. Well, I ran 5+ miles with him this evening in Palo Alto, CA! The Silicon Valley Marathon became the Dean Karnazes Silicon Valley Marathon last year, and so runners could sign up to run with him. So I did. Didn't really say much, not because he was unwilling to listen, but because I just don't say much! The run went around the Stanford University campus. Very pretty.

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Ever heard of the Amazing Race? It's a TV show where people run around for days and days and circumnavigate the globe and win valuable prizes. A friend (Kurtis) and I did a local version for three hours last Saturday. Ten stops, had to do nine of them, three were mandatory. We got a tad off course after about 80 minutes, but regrouped and ended up visiting all 10 because we didn't know if our first one counted (it wasn't a restaurant, it was a chiropractor!). We did well on the bonus minutes, and ended up in first place. Total shocker. Three hundred bucks and paid entry to the National Championships in New Orleans two weeks later.

We had to decline, though. Such travel would be a big deal to figure out for two family men like Kurtis and me, and I had already signed up for the 2010 Silicon Valley Marathon . . . which was going to be the day after the New Orleans race. Sometimes you just have to choose.

Right now I choose to stop typin

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

No Surprise

Yep, I am losing interest. A few early, short, and uninspiring posts. Followed by extensive dictionary definitions that only obfuscate what they are intending to illuminate. It all makes it seem rather pointless. Which isn't surprising, is it?

No, it isn't.

Today I subbed in a middle school music classroom. They're on short days for parent conferences, and the teacher in question had a fifth period prep, and usually goes to a nearby elementary school for sixth, but they were on short days as well. So I was done at 11:30.

Not bad. That's about thirty bucks an hour.

Tomorrow: another post. Or the next day. No promises.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


dab·ble v
1. vi to have a casual or superficial interest in something
2. vi to paddle, play, or splash in water
3. vt to wet something by dipping it in a liquid
4. vt to daub, splash, or spatter somebody or something with a liquid
5. vi to move the bill to the bottom of shallow water in order to reach food (refers to ducks)

Thursday, October 14, 2010


pin n
1. a small thin metal stick with a sharp point and a rounded head, used for holding pieces of fabric together
2. any fastener that has a sharp metal point designed to pierce the things it is fastening
3. See safety pin n. 1 See safety pin n. 2
4. a badge, piece of jewelry, or other decorative item that attaches to clothing by means of a sharp metal point or a clasp
5. See hairpin n. 1
6. a bobby pin
7. See cotter pin
8. See rolling pin
9. the smallest amount (dated informal)
10. a thin metal terminal extending from an electrical or electronic device such as a plug or a vacuum tube, used to connect the device by socket to other circuitry
11. a thin metal rod used to hold the ends of a fractured bone together
12. a peg used to attach a crown to the root of a tooth
13. the part of a key that inserts into a lock
14. any of the pegs on a stringed instrument such as a piano that hold the strings and can be turned to tighten or loosen them to tune the instrument
15. the safety clip on a hand grenade that must be removed before the grenade can be detonated
16. any of the club-shaped targets used in various games of bowling
17. a pole with a flag on it, used to mark each hole on a golf course
18. a fall in wrestling in which an opponent’s shoulders are made to touch the mat
19. any of the rounded pegs that guide the paper through a computer printer
20. any of the tiny wires on the printhead of a dot matrix printer that form one dot of a letter or symbol
21. See belaying pin
22. See thole pin

npl pins
somebody’s legs (informal)

1. to fasten, attach, or secure something with a pin
2. to hold somebody or something immobile, for example, on the ground
3. to make it impossible for a chess opponent to move a piece without exposing the king to check or a valuable piece to capture
4. to hold a wrestling opponent’s shoulders to the mat
5. to give a young woman a fraternity pin as a sign of commitment to a relationship

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Substitute Teaching

I don't have much prepared for today. Seriously, I have nothing, which is a far cry from not much. If I had "not much" I'd be in much better shape. I have nothing.

This, then, is nothing.

I am seriously working on a description of Pindabble. I could very well likely have it posted by tomorrow, which would make tomorrow a very auspicious day in the world of the Internets and blogs and things to read and things to do other than read. If I could describe Pindabble succinctly and effortlessly we'd all be much better off.

But let's be serious . . . I made up the damned word three days ago.

If your life is hanging on the edge of the answer, perhaps you need to reassess.

And I mean in a big, BIG, way.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Buy a Book

Don't forget to buy one of my books. Imagine how much you'll enjoy a couple hundred of pages of me if you are so thrilled by just a paragraph or three. Just imagine!

Check the bookstore at the mattbaxx blog.

Or go straight to the source:

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sticking to it

I am proving to be more consistent at this daily blogging thing than I thought. See, day two, and I've posted twice. The math is almost scary.

By the way, if you have by some miraculous set of circumstances wandered by good ol' Pindabble, be sure to check out my real blog, A weekly humor column sent up once each, er, week. You'll like it, really. You can trust me.

Though everything else is fine with the world, you will have to wait a bit more before any explanation is given for the title of this blog. Possibly because I want to keep you in suspenders (that's what we used to say in the good old days for "keep you in suspense"), but more likely because I have not yet fashioned an explanation.

It is Pindabble. That's what it is. No more, no less.

Well, maybe a little less.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Daily Prattle

The first. Of not many, quite frankly. Most blogs seem to peter out soon after beginning. There's a big rush at first, if not even twice daily. And then in three months no one really gives a damn anymore. Including the blogger, who has gone on to more interesting venues, such as Facebook or Twitter or whatever else is out there right now.

I couldn't care less.

Actually, I could care less. A little less. I usually leave a small reserve of uncaringness for those moments when it seems important to lower everyone's expectations. That moment is now. Lower your expectations. Please. For the sake of everyone involved.

Pindabble. Explanation tomorrow.